Saturday, 22 February 2014

Triks Mengirim Pesan Tanpa di tetahui ID Pengirimnya

Biasanya untuk melakukan pengiriman pesan pada lokal jaringan sering menggunakan tool net send yang disediakan oleh window.
NET SEND {name | * | /DOMAIN[:name] | /USERS} message
tapi disini penulis akan membahasnya menggunakan visual basic sebagai media pengirimnya. huh nyantai aja bro, kita akan coba ngirim pesan tapi tanpa
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mengirimkan identitas pengirimnya (emang bisa?). Dulu sih nggak bisa, tapi sekarang bisa dengan menggunakan beberapa fungsi APi yang tersedia kita dapat melakukanya. Ok gua rasa udah cukup, untuk kata-kata pembukanya. Bagi para newbies yg belum paham tentang fungsi-fungsi APi sebaiknya belajar dari sekarang. Fungsi yang kita gunakan ialah:

Trik Menyulap Fungsi Keyboard Menjadi Mouse

Caranya begini
Pertama, buka control panel windows dulu, kalo udah kebuka, cari ikon Accessibility
options trus klik ganda ikon tersebut. kemudian akan muncul window Accessibility mp3 reang
Options, pilih tab Mouse. kemudian beri centang pada Use Mouse Keys
Sesudah itu, klik tombol seting, akan muncul windows seting for mouse keys.
Centang pada kotak

Friday, 21 February 2014

Are You Struggling To Drive Sufficient Traffic To Your Website? Fear No More

The internet world has brought out a lot of difference in the way the world moves. Today numerous businesses, schools, and shopping takes place through the internet. Things and services are just a click away. Internet has made things easy and convenient for people with all the information it provides. There are search engines to help you access the many websites now available, for whatever information you need.

Today the net gives you a world of information that was unthinkable in the past. You may have a website and run an online business, but don’t know how to generate traffic….
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The following will help you with how to increase the number of users for your website. For a successful website, traffic plays an important role and hence you need to make efforts to create numerous users for your website.
  1. Write creative and quality articles. These articles should be related to your website and submit it to the popular internet directories or article websites. With your articles you can provide a link from where readers can view your site. If your website is well designed, user friendly and has good content, the viewer is sure to keep visiting time and again, and will also advertise it by word of mouth.  
  2. Make your website search engine optimized. Use more of key words if you want your site to be pulled up on the first page of the Google engine. Hundreds of people type in key words to search some or the other information. If you have the right words, your website is sure to be viewed by many. 
  3. Exchange your links with non competitive but similar sites to yours. You can exchange your links with some popular sites that have numerous users and thus advertise your site. 
  4. You can also try the pay per click marketing technique. This technique has helped generate many users. Although this technique requires you to spend in the beginning, but it helps you survive in the internet business.mp3 reang
  5. You can track the names and mail addresses of potential customers. Send them a well drafted mail giving a brief about your business and provide a link to your website, so they can instantly view it. 
  6. Enroll your website on the popular and frequently visited internet directories. However, to get an entry to these directories, your site should have quality and be well designed and written. You can also advertise your links on well known and frequently visited sites to generate traffic. 
Web users play a vital role for the survival of each and every website. Hence a lot of importance is given to the various ways a website can be promoted. Follow these few steps and success won’t be far for you. mp3 reang